Friday, August 1, 2014

August CareerPassport Spotlight-Whitney Collins

Career Passport: What year are you in school and what are you majoring in?

Whitney: I am a junior majoring in Modern Dance and minoring in Earth Science.

CareerPassport: What are your career goals?

Whitney: After graduating college I hope to dance professionally for a couple of years after which I would like to go back to school to get a Master’s degree. Then hopefully I will be able to become a professional choreographer or Paleontologist. 

CareerPassport: Can you explain how you are involved in the CareerPassport program?

Whitney: I am still fairly new to the program, and I am still learning my way around.  I completed the online orientation and have an awesome mentor!

CareerPassport: What attracted you to CareerPassport?

Whitney:  I became interested in CareerPassport by the help it offers to college students.  Because of my diverse interests in careers, I thought CareerPassport could help guide me towards learning about career opportunities in both Dance and Geology. 

CareerPassport: What have you enjoyed most about the program?

Whitney:  I have enjoyed getting to know the people in the program.  Even though I haven’t participated in a lot of activities, but the ones that I have participated in were always the best when I would get to know the other participants and those making this program possible.  Getting yourself out of your comfort zone really goes a long way.

CareerPassport: What has been the most beneficial activity you’ve participated in to help you meet your future career goal?

Whitney: I really enjoyed volunteering with the club at the Alumni Family Fun Fair booth last summer. There were many booths that were career-based and I was able to make a connection with one of the professors in the Geology program.  He gave me good advice on some classes that I should take for my Geology interest.

CareerPassport: What advice regarding the CareerPassport Program would you give to other students?

Whitney: Be as active as possible.  Get to know all of the people in the CareerPassport program.  They are there to help you and you are developing networking skills!!!  

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